playing card F2: Joachim Kroll (* 1933 – † 1991)
April 9, 2020
playing card G2: Dennis Rader (* 1945 – today)
April 9, 2020
Patrick Kearney (* 1939 – today)
age at first kill
years undiscovered
number of victims
Kearney: The most productive serial killer in the United States
He was born on September 24, 1939 in Los Angeles. Kearney's series of murders began at monthly intervals in 1974. His approach and the number of murders in such a short space of time make him one of the most productive serial killers in US history.
21 times life sentence for Kearney
Patrick Wayne Kearney is also called the Trash Bag Killer. He was sentenced to 21 times life imprisonment on 21 February 1978 for 21 proven murders. Kearney is currently located in Mule Creek State Prison, California.

Police photo of U.S. serial killer Patrick Kearney. Kearney committed over 40 murders at monthly intervals between 1965 and 1977. Photo: Mule Creek State Prison