playing card D3: Randy Steven Kraft (* 1945 – today)
April 9, 2020
Spielkarte A4: Gary Ridgway (* 1949 – today)
April 9, 2020
Donald Henry Gaskins (* 1933 – † 1991)
age at first kill
years undiscovered
number of victims
Henry Gaskins and his "Coastal Kills"
After he was released from prison in 1969, he drove indiscriminately through the U.S. Southeast and began his Coastal Kills: he took hitchhikers randomly and raped and killed her for sheer pleasure. He committed the murders in an approximately six-week rhythm. He tried to keep the victims alive as long as possible while torturing and maiming them. After his arrest in 1975, he confessed to murdering around 60-80 victims.
1970 begins Gaskins "Serious Murders" series
In 1970 he started his self-proclaimed Serious Murders series. Gaskins started to kill only people he knew and wanted to kill for personal reasons. In contrast to his Coastal Kills, Gaskins murdered - mostly shot - people without torturing or torturing them in this period. He committed the murders for a variety of reasons: revenge, because he was robbed, because people owed him money, or because he accepted a contract.

Police photo of Donald Henry Gaskins. He committed his first murder at the age of 20. He is said to have committed over 100 murders over a 22-year period. Photo: Police Dept. South Carolina
Henry Gaskin: His Final Arrest
After his criminal accomplice Walter Neeley betrayed the police that Gaskins has had several murders on his conscience, he was finally arrested on November 14, 1975. After he received his death sentence from the court, it was changed to a life sentence. The reason for this was an amendment to the law in the state of South Carolina.
Gaskins: The Meanest Man in America
During his life sentence, Gaskins committed his last murder: on September 2, 1982, on behalf of Tony Cimo, Pee Wee killed his fellow inmate Rudolph Tyner from death row by giving Tyner a radio dummy bomb on the pretext that he shared this radio with others Prisoners can communicate. "The last thing he [Tyner] heard was me laughing" was Gaskin's comment on the prison police.