playing card G2: Dennis Rader (* 1945 – today)
April 9, 2020
playing card D3: Randy Steven Kraft (* 1945 – today)
April 9, 2020
Jeffrey Dahmer (* 1960 – † 1994)
age at first kill
years undiscovered
number of victims
Jeffrey Dahmer, the Milwaukee Monster
One of the most popular serial killers in post-war history was Jeffrey Dahmer. Born as the eldest son of Joyce Annett and Lionel Herbert Dahmer, he committed his first murder at the age of 18. In the summer of 1978 he had his parents' house at his disposal. One day he brought hitchhiker Stephen Hicks home for a beer.
Jeffrey Dahmer: "I didn't want him to go"
When he then wanted to leave, he hit him with a dumbbell. "I didn't want him to go," was Dahmer's later justification after his arrest - 16 murders and 13 years later. In 1988 he worked in a chocolate factory.
At that point he was sentenced to five years probation for attempted rape. The victim was Somsack Sinthasomphone, just 13 years old.
In May 1991, Dahmer lured the then 17-year-old Konerak into his new apartment and drugged him. Konerak miraculously escaped the apartment and ran naked onto the streets of Milwaukee. Two concerned women called the police. Only much later did it come out that Konerak is Somsack's brother - Dahmer's victim in 1988.

Jeffrey Dahmer and his Milwaukee apartment where he moved on May 14, 1990. Here he killed twelve of his 17 victims before being finally arrested on July 22, 1991. Photos: FBI
A deadly mistake
Jeffrey Dahmer also came along and was able to convince the police officers and the two women that young Konerak is his lover, with whom there was a difference of opinion. Just like Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer had the ability to convince those around him with his rhetorical skills.
Despite protests from the women, the two police officers escorted the serial killer and the underage Konerak back to his apartment. Once at the apartment, everything seemed normal to the sheriffs. There was a smell of decomposition: a dismembered corpse lay in Dahmer's next room. The fatal error took its course after the poizists left. Dahmer calmly dismembered Konerak and then stored his head in the freezer. Complaints from neighbors about the stench from Dahmer's apartment were ignored.
Jeffrey Dahmer: His arrest
On July 22, 1991, less than two months after this incident, victim Tracy Edwards also managed to escape from Jeffrey's home. This time, because of the smell of decay, the police checked the refrigerator, where several heads and other body parts were found. Jeffrey Dahmer was subsequently sentenced to 957 years.
The Death of Jeffrey Dahmer: Serial Killer Killer
In November 1994, Jesse Anderson and Dahmer were killed by prison inmate Christopher Scarver. Police rule out Scarver's racial motives, even though the victims of both killers were predominantly African American. Serial killer Scarver went on to describe his murders as "acts of God".