playing card G3: Ronald Dominique (* 1964 – today)
April 9, 2020
playing card C1: Alexander Pichushkin (* 1974 – today)
April 9, 2020
Juan Corona (* 1934 – † 2019)
age at first kill
years undiscovered
number of victims
1971: Title of the most notorious serial killer
At the time of his arrest on May 26, 1971, Juan Corona had been the most notorious serial killer in the United States. It was speculated that in addition to the 25 bodies discovered, more were buried on the Corona site.

Juan Vallejo Corona was sentenced to 25 life sentences in 1971 for allegedly murdering 25 seasonal workers on his farm in Sutter County, Florida. Photo: Police Dept. Sutter County, Florida
The mentally ill leads an orderly life
In December 1955, a major flood disaster struck northern California, killing over 30 people. Juan Corona had a nervous breakdown at the sight of the corpses and henceforth spoke of the "land of the spirits on which one works". A few years later, on the advice of his brother Natividad Corona, he was admitted to the DeWitt State Hospital in Auburn, California, where paranoid schizophrenia was found in Juan Corona. After a few shock therapies, Corona was released as healed. 1959 married Juan Corona Gloria I. Moreno. Together they had four daughters.
Farmer Corona becomes murderer
From then on Corona worked as a foreman on a farm and was responsible for the instruction and catering of temporary workers and seasonal workers. All bodies were later discovered on the farm. Bills have been discovered on some of the bodies, which Juan Corona has signed. Eyewitnesses said that some of the missing were last seen on Juan Corona's SUV.
Arrest and conviction of serial killer Corona
Juan Corona was arrested on May 26, 1971. Two bloodstained knives, a machete, a pistol, and blood-soaked clothes were found in his house. The arrested serial killer was sent to Marysville Prison after a brief stay in a local prison.
On January 18, 1973, Juan Corona was found guilty of killing 25 people. His sentence: 25 life sentences without a prospect of pardon. Corona was first inducted into the California Medical Facility in Vacaville, California. On December 6, 1973, he accidentally bumped into a prisoner, whereupon he received 32 stitches with a knife. Corona was then inducted into the Correctional Training Facility in Soledad, California. In 1974, his wife filed for divorce, which was approved.
A long trial begins
On February 22, 1982, the murder series was tried again. The main reason for this was the objection by Corona defender Terence Hallinan. He accused Corona's first defense of being incompetent for failing to use Corona's paranoid schizophrenia to reduce the sentence for mitigating circumstances.
At that second trial, Juan Corona's brother Natividad Corona was accused of committing the 25 murders. However, Natividad could no longer be charged because he had died in Guadalajara, Mexico, eight years earlier. After seven months of trial, Corona was found guilty again. The key piece of evidence was Juan Corona's workbook, which listed all of the seasonal workers Corona employed. Seven of these workers were later dead.
In 1992 Juan Corona was sent to Corcoran State Prison in California. His previous requests for mercy were regularly rejected. In 2016 Juan Corona was able to register his next petition for mercy.
Juan Corona verstarb am 4. März 2019 mit 85 Jahren.
The death of Juan Corona
Juan Vallejo Corona died of natural causes on March 4, 2019. The serial killer from Mexico died on March 4, 2019 at the age of 85 in a hospital near Corcoran State Prison in California.